публикаций автора "A.G. Sevast'yanov"
Найдено 4
1. Measurement of the compressibility of iron at 5.5 TPa
R.F. Trunin, M.A. Podurets, L.V. Popov, V.N. Zubarev, A.A. Bakanova, V.M. Ktitorov, A.G. Sevast'yanov, G.V. Simakov, I.P. Dudoladov
1992 г.,
Том 75,
Вып. 4,
стр. 777
2. New data, obtained under strong shock wave conditions from an underground nuclear explosion, on the compressibility of aluminum, plexiglass, and quartz
3. Determination of the shock compressibility of iron at pressures up to 10 TPa (100 Mbar)
4. Shock compression of porous iron, copper, and tungsten, and their equation of state in the terapascal pressure range